Monday, May 9, 2016

Friendship- FIG Achievement Day's

I was just called as the new Faith in God/Activity Day leader.  I only have 6 girls.  Ages 8-12.
This was my first activity.  I wanted to get to know the girls better, plus I wasn't really sure how they would respnod to different activities.  So I did a little bit of everything.  We had a lesson & some activities & a treat.  
I thought this would be a great time to talk about friendship & set up some ground rules & make sure everyone felt welcome.
Who can read this scripture for me?
Matthew 25:40 
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” 

Elder Malcolm S. Jeppsen, of the Seventy said:

 Choose your friends wisely. They will provide the foundation of spiritual strength that will enable you to make difficult, extremely important decisions correctly when they come in your life. Above all, be a friend of the Savior.”

Some of those words were kind of big.  Who can tell me what he was saying?

(Be careful who you choose as your friends.  They will be the ones who help you make the big decisions in your life.)

Who did he say was the most important friend you can have?


Does anyone have a story to share about choosing a good friend?

If you are living like Heavenly Father wants you to and you are being a good friend, then good friends will find you & they will want to be your friends.

The object lesson I chose to do, didn't work very well... I would find a different one next time!

To me it is very important that we all be good friends to each other in FIG.

Here we all have the same standards, & we all KNOW we are Daughters of God.

But we are also human & humans have this problem… we tend to bug each other sometime.

So I want to take a minute & talk about how we can still be friends, even if we bug each other.

So lets make a list.

What kinds of things do other people do that “bug” or bother us?
being bossy
laughing at someones mistakes
name calling
being a copy cat
breaking promises

Take your bug sheet & write down 5 things that OTHER people do that bug US under “Things that BUG me”
Try to think of your own 5 or you can use 5 from the list here.

Now, lets talk about things that I do that might “bug” SOMEONE.
Talk too much
Get too loud
Don’t always listen

On your bug sheet write down 3 things that I do that might bug someone under “Things I do that might bug someone”.

Now that we can see that we all have things that bug us & we all do things that bug other people, what can we do about it?

We can try to be a little more aware of how our actions can impact others.

So now we need to take care of 1 more class business thing, then we will have 2 more activities.

We need to come up with some class rules, to help us remember not to bug each other.
  1. Respect each other.
  2. No laughing at each other.

What happens if someone breaks the rules?

Now we are going to do a friendship web game.
Sit in a circle.
Hold string, throw the yarn to someone, say their name & say something about them.  Can’t throw it to the same person twice in a row.

Web coloring acitivity
Everyone write their name at the top of the web sheet. 
Pass the sheet around & write something they admire/like about the person who's name is at the top of the sheet.  
Try to think deep, not just "pretty hair".

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